[nycphp-jobs] Cutting Edge PHP Technology

Jobs jobs at
Mon Jul 16 19:11:29 EDT 2007

We are a small New York Development company that has been working on
cutting edge PHP web technology for the past 3 years. We’re now ramping
up development, and have several cool and interesting projects to work
on. We are looking for talented developers, who are interested in
working with new web technologies. Web knowledge is a plus, but, not
mandatory. On site development is also a plus, but, not mandatory.

Applicants should have at least 5 years of development and project
experience and be familiar with the following (* is mandatory, + is a
plus, but not mandatory):

*Object Oriented Programming
+Desktop Development
* Database StoredProcedures
* Remote Execution Calls
+Ruby on Rails
*Versioning Systems

Send your inquires to jobs at

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