improving php+mysql performance at

Jayesh Sheth JayeshSh at
Mon Dec 16 13:33:43 EST 2002

Hello all,

I have recently set up a site called ( link: ), which is a site for designers to review 
each others' designs. I have several questions about the site; however, 
before I ask them, here is a quick backgrounder on how the site runs: I 
use a small (5 kilobytes) , open source weblog system, called Rodin, 
which can be found at: . Rodin uses the 
"dynamic duo" : PHP and MySQL. Since I am more of a designer person than 
a database guru, I just followed their setup instructions for the 
database (using PHPmyadmin), and then plugged my own "theme" into Rodin.

It all worked perfectly the first time I tried it (knock on wood), *but* 
the main problem is that the site often loads slowly. I use Yahoo's 
Webhosting for this particular project, so my question is: is it slow 
because Yahoo has millions of customers sharing its PHP and MySQL 
resources, or because (I think) Rodin does not "cache" the output?

Also, a second, but less important (for now) question is : would anyone 
know how to write a commenting module for this system. I am trying to 
learn more about using PHP with MySQL everyday, so maybe in some time 
I'd be able to do that myself. But if any of you have some good ideas, I 
will definitely use them.

Thanks in advance.


- Jay Sheth
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