[nycphp-talk] newbie - square one

-sry sryBoston at
Wed Dec 3 09:40:12 EST 2003

> See, I told you this was a better place to get questions answered than
> the wwwac.

Hey! Now don't go comparing apples to oranges--wwwac is still
better for plenty of things, if nothing else, the wwwacies themselves! :)
We have lots of fun over there and occasionally get some work
done, too!  For the focused topic of PHP or PHP/mySQL, yes,
this is HEAVEN :-) So glad I found you guys.

Jeff, thanks for the list of books - I have no money for any books
right now but the Great American Public Library system seems to
keep themselves pretty well-stocked on computer-related things 
here in Cambridge. Big surprise, huh? <<g>> 

I'll see what I can find. I think O'Reilly needs to have a "large 
consumer's club" or "Book of the Month" club  where if you buy 
at least 8 books a year, you get one free or something :-D  The 
only things besides clothes that I have paid to ship internationally 
(no less than 3 times) are my computer and engineering 
books--more than half of them ORA. I want something back, 


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