[nycphp-talk] PHP 5 install questions ...

jon baer jonbaer at
Tue Dec 23 03:07:29 EST 2003

since i had no luck w/ the previous 2 betas i tried the 3rd ...

it seems to be working smoothly although i have one small install question
... there is no more built in mysql anymore so i enabled php_mysql.dll but
what/or how do you enable libmysql.dll?  is it needed or is it for mysqli
stuff (mysql > 4.1)

i had really been hoping there would be an easier way to run php4/5 side by
side and use .php5 files for testing (btw im extremely happy that much of my
work was backward compatible) ... @ the moment i have a small script
renaming php4ts.dll back and forth - in case of anything ... anyone else
have solutions?  i would have been nice to have php5ts.dll + LoadModule
php5_module c:\php5\sapi\php5apache2.dll

one thing i noticed is that my apache logs got completely filled up w/ php
notices on exceptions (i normally handle error handling page by page, but
not normally on an included definition page - so i end up w/something like:
PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant FOO - assumed 'FOO') - normal?

- jon

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