[nycphp-talk] [Fwd: Open Enterprise Trends_September 15, 2003]

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Wed Sep 24 13:33:34 EDT 2003

Hi Folks:

On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 10:24:35AM -0400, Hans Zaunere wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Fwd: Open Enterprise Trends_September 15, 2003]
> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 08:30:01 -0400
> To: Hans Zaunere <hans at>
> ... snip ...
> Hands On: Inside the Tricky PHP-to-XML Project
> ---------------------------------------------------
> PHP-to-XML projects can be either relatively straightforward or complex. 
> And now, as PHP becomes a familiar scripting environment for 
> programmers working with and supporting XML, questions about the
> interoperability of both languages abound.  This week, OET looks at the 
> growing list of questions surrounding PHP-with-XML
> projects, and, more importantly, offers developers some answers.

I'm happy to say I'm one of the keynote interviewees in that article.

A moment ago, the Editor fulfiled my request for a couple minor tweaks to
improve the accuracy of the third paragraph.  So, if you've already read 
it, you might want to check back.



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