[nycphp-talk] Prob. With Headers in .htaccess using PHP

jessica kelly jkelly at
Fri Apr 1 16:31:46 EST 2005

Hi All,

I can set headers in .htaccess for files in a folder just fine when Apache 1.3.x serves a .htm page. 

However if the page is a .php page the headers are not being added. Instead I get a "X-Powered-By:·PHP/4.x.x" or something of the sort but no 
Headers that I want served.

Where I work the files are cached in the server room and there is another cache farther down our pipe. The evil network admins are non-cooperative in my requests to not cache that folder/files.

It is causing problems with my dynamic PHP pages and only shows the cached page the first time around. Yes I can get it to "refresh" every 5 seconds via <meta expires, but I would like something that doesn't pound the server and is more of a real fix. 

Any suggestions/thoughts?



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