[nycphp-talk] How To Make "php" show up as "somefile" when running the top command...

NĂ©stor rotsen at
Thu Jun 21 18:56:57 EDT 2012

Can you find the php executable that you are using and crate an alias
and put it on your .xxxrc file on the bsd system.

O n my linux I put an alias line on my .bashrc file:
alias vim='/usr/sbin/gvim'

I hope this works for you.

Nestor :-)

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Darryle Steplight <dsteplight at>wrote:

> Hans,
> Using  the "ps" command allows me to see "php filename.php" but top
> wouldn't allow me to see the filename, this is what sparked me to
> think about changing "php" to something more specific.  I don't know
> why I didn't try "ps"  at first.
> A little birdy told me that  symlinking to the PHP binary will allow
> you to change "php" to whatever you use in your symlink. Makes sense
> to me, but using ps will suffice for now.
> On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 4:52 PM, Hans Zaunere <bulk at> wrote:
> >>     When I run any php file from the command line it shows up at
> >> "php" under the COMMAND column on my Mac. I'm not running this on a
> >> server right now, just locally.
> >
> > Oh, Mac...
> >
> > In theory there's BSD under there somewhere, but I don't know what
> > they've done to it.  I'd imagine the COMMAND column in Mac pulls from
> > ps or top but it's hard to say.  You could drop to command line and
> > try top/ps to at first know if the process name is being changed as
> > far as the OS sees it.  Then the Mac GUI is another question :)
> >
> > H
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